my kaiseki (懐石) style mushimono is with steamed black bass, cauliflower purée and ankake sauce; served with pickled veg, and sushi rice...
"Mushimono is a Japanese culinary term referring to a steamed dish, usually containing chicken, fish or vegetables; sometimes treated with sake. The foods are steamed until soft and served hot. Chawanmushi is a popular example. The steaming methods include: Steaming the ingredients in small bowls or cups." -- Wikipedia
"A black bass is a type of fresh water fish. The black basses are found throughout a large area east of the Rocky Mountains in North America, from the Hudson Bay basin in Canada to northeastern Mexico. Several species, notably the Largemouth and Smallmouth, have been very widely introduced throughout the world." -- Wikipedia
"Ankake (餡掛け) is a generic term for a flavoured sauce that is thickened by adding cornflour/corn starch or any other kind of starch. The flavour of the sauce can be almost anything. But the most traditional Ankake flavours are a simple dashi-based soy flavour. The colour of Ankake can also vary from almost transparent to dark soy colour. The sauce can contain vegetables and/or meat, or nothing." -- Recipetin Japan
"In Japanese, we call sushi rice Sushi-meshi 鮨飯, Su-meshi (酢飯), or shari (シャリ). It's made of white, short-grain Japanese rice seasoned with rice vinegar, sugar, and salt. Brown rice is sometimes used outside of Japan, but it's not common in sushi restaurants in Japan." -- Just One Cookbook
"Tsukemono are Japanese preserved vegetables. They are served with rice as an okazu, with drinks as an otsumami, as an accompaniment to or garnish for meals, and as a course in the kaiseki portion of a Japanese tea ceremony." -- Wikipedia