my lamb seasoned with herbs de Provence, garlic, onion, French mustard, etc.; slow roasted; served with demi-glace, roasted root veg, and mango, snap peas salad...

provencal cuisine...
"Provençal cuisine is obsessed with different types of native herbs, olive oil and garlic. Their brightness elevates the vegetables, meat and seafood freshly harvested from their habitat. Such combinations result in satisfyingly rich and colourful delicacies imbued with rustic characters." -- Michilan Guide
Herbes de Provence is a mixture of dried herbs considered typical of the Provence region of southeastern France. Formerly simply a descriptive term, commercial blends started to be sold under this name in the 1970s. These blends often contain savory, marjoram, rosemary, thyme, and oregano. -- Wikipedia
Demi-glace is a rich brown sauce in French cuisine used by itself or as a base for other sauces. The term comes from the French word glace, which, when used in reference to a sauce, means "icing" or "glaze." It is traditionally made by combining one part Espagnole sauce and one part brown stock. Due to the considerable effort involved in making the traditional demi-glace, chefs commonly substitute a simple jus lié of veal stock or to create a simulated version, which the American cookbook author Julia Child referred to as a "semi-demi-glace"(i.e. sans espagnole sauce). -- Wikipedia

brining the lamb...
"A wet brine is exactly what it sounds like: a solution of salt, sugar, spices and other flavorings. It's the brine most people use for turkey. Wet brining can be used for any meat or fish with a few adjustments to the salt concentration and the time the protein is in the brine. Brining your leg of lamb in salt water can help to ensure tenderness and that melt in your mouth texture. Brining can be effective when done for as little as one hour but can even be done for days before cooking." -- Food Network